The Mothbox has an internal battery that can sample for about 4 nights on its own (22 hours of runtime). BUT maybe you want a SUPER POWERED Mothbox that can last even longer?!
Well, it’s very easy to add solar panels or extra batteries to the Mothbox!
Add a Solar Panel
This is pretty easy to do! Simply plug a DC barrel jack cable from your panel to the charging port.
That’s it!
We talked to the Talentcell people who make the batteries. They said lots of solar panels will work, especially 18V panels up to 60Watts.**
Panels should be max 18V and 60 watts
Add Extra Batteries
This is also quite an easy addition. You can just plug a DC barrel jack cable from the output of one Talentcell battery to the input port of another! Easy as that! You just need to make sure that both batteries are fully charged.
All batteries need to be fully charged if you connect them.
Build a waterproof battery pack
You can make an extra power case to connect to your Mothbox in the field very easily. You just need an additional waterproof case. You can drill a port exactly the same as when you create the input port for your Mothbox.
Add a DC barrel socket to it. Connect a barrel jack plug with a lever nut.
Plug it into the OUT port of an extra Talentcell battery.
Seal up the box and plug it into the input port of your fully charged Mothbox.
Double Battery Pack?
You bet! Again just make sure all the batteries are charged up fully. Use a DC cable jack splitter (one usually comes with your Talentcell battery!)
Plug it into BOTH OUTPUTs of the batteries in your pack.
And you are ready to have a Mothbox that can run for 66 hours! Or 12 nights!